A few days ago we had our regular training "Resuscitation and emergencies in the doctor's office" again. Every two years we practise cardiac massage, ventilation and how to use the defibrillator: "What to do?" in case of an emergency.
Glücklicherweise gab es bei uns noch nie einen Notfall, der eine Reanimation erfordert hätte. Herzstillstand! Atemstillstand! – wie gut, dass dies nicht zum Alltag einer gynäkologischen Praxis gehört! Trotzdem sollte ein medizinisches Team in einer solchen Lage natürlich kompetent reagieren können. Das Training für den Moment X gehört dazu.
This time we had to postpone our training several times, Corona kept throwing our planning out of the window. Now it finally worked out and we were able to practise practical hand movements, learn new things, clarify questions and gain very personal insights (don't be afraid of a defibrillator!).
In this context, a very important question has arisen: Where is the next public defibrillator at Rotebühlplatz???
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