Early cancer detection
Maintain your health and zest for life!
A responsible approach to one's own health includes regular examinations for the early detection of cancer. Cancer screening not only improves the chances of recovery in the event of an illness, it also offers security and reassurance when everything is in order.
The cancer screening examination should take place once a year.
Informationen der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA)
zur Früherkennung und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten bei Krebserkrankungen
Informationen des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses (G-BA)
zur Brustkrebs-Früherkennung durch das Mammographie-Screening
Early cancer detection: the catalogue of benefits of the health insurance funds
Within the framework of early cancer detection, the statutory health insurance funds have specified the following benefits for an annual examination:
Complete cancer screening: Our supplementary programme to the statutory health insurance scheme
Modern medical examination methods - beyond the scope of services provided by the statutory health insurance funds - can significantly increase the safety of the standard examination:
The individual health services (IgeL) are invoiced according to the Scale of fees for doctors (GOÄ) billed privately. If there is a disease or a suspicion of a disease, further necessary measures are covered by the health insurance.