Without a mask in the doctor's office? No!

Tomorrow, January 31, the mask requirement for staff in doctors' offices will be dropped. However, this does not apply to patients. They must continue to wear an FFP 2 mask when entering a doctor's office. Reason for the odd squiggle in the Corona measures: The requirement for staff to wear masks is included in [ read more...]

2023-02-04T11:20:12+01:00January30, 2023|General, Practice|0 comments

Corona: Consultation hours despite lockdown

So, now we have entered another round in the fight against the Corona pandemic. The infection figures are rising, there are new rules and now also a strict lockdown.

On this occasion, once again the current information for our patients:

Our practice is open and consultation hours run during our opening hours.

When [ read more...]

2021-03-19T09:44:52+01:0012December 2020|General, Practice|0 comments