Prenatal DNA test:
Health insurance coverage if indicated

We have been offering the non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) for trisomies 13,18 and 21 (Down syndrome) in our practice for many years. Since 1.7.2022, the costs are covered by the statutory health insurance if there is an indication and after careful consultation with the attending physician. After [ read more...]

2022-12-03T13:27:21+01:00July22,2022|Pranatal, Pregnancy|Comments Off on Prenatal DNA test:
Cash benefit if indicated.

Prenatal DNA test: health insurance coverage in risk cases

The prenatal DNA test for the early detection of a trisomy (e.g. Down syndrome/trisomy 21) has been available in Germany since 2012. The discussion about whether the costs will be covered by statutory health insurance has been going on for almost as long.

The examination of the facts took a while, now it is completed:

The Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) of physicians, hospitals and health insurers [ read more...]

2021-03-19T11:23:13+01:0020September 2019|Pranatal, Pregnancy|0 comments