Baby visit to the practice:
The slide show is open!

Since a few days we have a "baby screen" again. On a large screen in the entrance area of the practice runs a slide show of all baby pictures, which the new parents send us by uploaded to our homepage uploaded to our homepage.

It took a while to get started after the [ read more...]

2023-03-04T13:17:39+01:004March2023|General, Practice, Pregnancy|0 comments

Pap smear & Co:
Internal training for early cancer detection

After a long break from Corona, we finally had another internal training session a few days ago:
A meeting of the entire practice team with one of the doctors, detailed, professional information on a topic of your choice and a good opportunity to clarify medical questions in peace.

This time it was about the early detection of [ read more...]

2023-02-05T08:45:06+01:00February4, 2023|General, cancer care, female staff, practice|0 comments

Without a mask in the doctor's office? No!

Tomorrow, January 31, the mask requirement for staff in doctors' offices will be dropped. However, this does not apply to patients. They must continue to wear an FFP 2 mask when entering a doctor's office. Reason for the odd squiggle in the Corona measures: The requirement for staff to wear masks is included in [ read more...]

2023-02-04T11:20:12+01:00January30, 2023|General, Practice|0 comments

Greeting from the waiting room:
Our team talk

Once a quarter - in the evening, when the last patient has left the practice - we occupy the waiting room and use it for special purposes. The small table comes out, the big table comes in, all suitable for our stately round. The regular meetings in full [ read more...]

2022-12-03T14:48:49+01:00December3,2022|Staff, Practice|0 comments

New acquisition of the ultrasound device:
Technical heart of the practice

At this point, I must devote a little time to technology - or more precisely, to the medical technology at the heart of the practice. Because what would our prenatal diagnostics without a high-tech ultrasound scanner? From the very beginning, high-level ultrasound diagnostics have been part of the central service offering of our [ read more...]

2022-09-12T13:22:20+02:00September12,2022|Pränatal, practice, pregnancy|Comments Off on New acquisition of ultrasound machine:
Technical heart of the practice

Search for the lifesaver:
Defi? What is a defi?

"Where is actually the nearest defibrillator?" - the question that arose in the course of our Emergency seminar is still waiting for an answer:

My search for the "defi" started with google. Sure. After some wandering through the jungle of various cell phone apps, finally the answer to [read more...]

2022-05-15T18:15:17+02:0015May 2022|Staff, Practice|0 comments

Emergency seminar: Training for the moment X

A few days ago we had our regular training "Resuscitation and emergencies in the doctor's office" again. Every two years we practise cardiac massage, ventilation and how to use the defibrillator: "What to do?" in case of an emergency.

Fortunately, we have never had an emergency requiring resuscitation [ read more...]

2022-05-15T18:02:15+02:001 May 2022|Staff, Practice|0 comments

The start of our new apprentice: Haiat Al Kurdi

A few weeks ago, Ms. Haiat Al Kurdi joined our team as a trainee. Some of our patients have certainly already met her. In November she started her training as a medical assistant and we are looking forward to our new colleague and the future support [ read more...]

2022-10-02T08:39:48+02:00January22,2022|Staff, Practice|0 comments