Big news:
Since 1 July this year, Dr Deiters has taken over the practice from Mr Dostal.
Mr Dostal, however, will continue to be present in the practice on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and will perform the outpatient operations. So nothing will change for our patients for the time being. Our three doctors - Dr Deiters, Mr Dostal and Ms Piro - are and will remain at the front. So far - quite soberly - the "factual situation".
In addition, the succession - even if the daily work routine remains the same for the time being - is an exciting thing. Mr Dostal has led the practice for over 20 years, so this change at the top is naturally a very personal one. As we have all worked together for a long time, this transition touches the whole team. We wish Mr Dostal a light hand and a light heart in the next few weeks, during which he will leave "his baby" to his successor, even in the day-to-day running of the practice!
Dr Deiters has been working in the "Dostal Practice" since 2007 - until now as a salaried gynaecologist specialising in prenatal diagnostics (Degum II ) - and together with Ms Piro, as Mr Dostal's medical colleague, she has always been "a kind of boss". So one might think that with the succession everything would remain the same. But a new beginning is a new beginning and brings a breath of fresh air: focal points are set differently and processes are shaped personally. An opportunity to reshape is something special and must be seized.
The former Dostal practice will now become the Dr. Deiters practice. It is a matter of honour that we - as a team - will rock this baby together with our new boss!
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