Rezensionen im Netz:
Ein Lob dem Lob!

Immer mal wieder bekommen wir im Internet tolle Rezensionen für unsere Arbeit. Man kann die Möglichkeit, im Schutz der Anonymität Bewertungen zu schreiben durchaus kritisch sehen. Auch für uns gab es schon häufiger Anlass zum Ärger. Aber das soll hier jetzt nicht wichtig sein.

An dieser Stelle [weiterlesen…]

2024-06-25T10:45:10+02:0025. Juni 2024|Praxis|0 Kommentare

Und tschüss!
Abschied in den Ruhestand

So. Jetzt ist es soweit: Seit heute bin ich Rentnerin. Gestern habe ich den Schlüssel abgegeben, meinen Spind leer geräumt und – nach genau 17 Jahren – Abschied von der Arbeit in der Praxis genommen. Das ist ein großer Schritt für mich und Grund für einen [weiterlesen…]

2023-09-01T13:09:52+02:001. September 2023|Mitarbeiterinnen, Praxis|0 Kommentare

Greeting from the waiting room:
Our team talk

Once a quarter - in the evening, when the last patient has left the practice - we occupy the waiting room and use it for special purposes. The small table comes out, the big table comes in, all suitable for our stately round. The regular meetings in full [ read more...]

2022-12-03T14:48:49+01:00December3,2022|Staff, Practice|0 comments

Welcome to the team: Tara is here!

Tara was born a few weeks ago. A strapping little girl: 51 cm tall, weighing 3780 g, a real doozy, a real progenitor, a bundle of joy!

We know Tara for a long time. For months we have accompanied her growing and becoming with joy and good wishes. From the first ultrasound picture [ read more...]

2021-09-21T10:50:49+02:0021 September 2021|Staff, Practice|0 comments

Gyn-Koe70 on Zoom: Team Talk in Corona Times

What the chancellor and the prime ministers can do, we have been able to do for a long time. Whether it's the Corona meeting, the G20 summit or the Gyn-Koe70 meeting: nowadays people confer online. And so this time we came together with the practice team for our regular meeting on Zoom.

Although we missed the Italian antipasti with which we usually - [ read more...]

2021-03-11T10:56:56+01:0027November 2020|General, Practice|0 comments

Internal training: Vaginal infections

Today we had another of our internal training sessions, for which our doctors kindly make themselves available on a regular basis. The topic: vaginal infections.

Complaints that indicate an infection in the intimate area are a frequent reason for visiting the gynecologist. Thus, we female employees at the reception are already [ read more...]

2021-03-11T11:26:07+01:0029November 2019|staff, practice|0 comments