Corona Booster during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Vaccination against Covid 19 for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers has already been recommended since September 2021. Nevertheless, the need for advice regarding basic immunization and booster vaccination is still high. The worries of expectant parents and the fear of doing something wrong and harming the child, [ read more...]

2023-10-17T20:33:35+02:0030. Januar 2022|Allgemein, Impfung, Schwangerschaft|0 Kommentare

New in the practice: Dr. med. Nadine Mark

Since the beginning of October we have a new colleague in the team of female doctors:
Dr. Nadine Mark was a senior physician for gynecology and obstetrics at the Schwarzwald-Baar Klinikum in Villingen-Schwenningen and has now joined us as an employed physician.
We are very happy about the [ read more...]

2022-10-02T08:46:17+02:00October10,2021|General, Employees|0 comments

STIKO recommendation: Corona vaccination for pregnant and breastfeeding women

Vaccination against Covid 19 is recommended by the Vaccination Commission (STIKO) now also recommends vaccination for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Since pregnant women have an increased risk of a severe course of Covid 19 disease, this recommendation is good news and makes it easier for us to advise our [ read more...]

2021-11-18T10:19:52+01:0023September 2021|General, Vaccination, Pregnancy|0 comments

New page, new service: online appointments and appointment reminders

With the relaunch of our homepage has also changed the program for reserving online appointments changed. We are now working with an external provider (ClickDoc) and have separated from the previous booking program. For many patients who have already booked their [ read more...]

2021-08-16T14:07:38+02:002June 2021|General, Practice|0 comments

Corona vaccination: Protect pregnant women and newborns!

Pregnant women cannot be vaccinated against the Corona virus for the time being.
The reason is simple: scientific data on the mode of action and tolerability of the Corona vaccine during pregnancy is still lacking.

Expectant mothers and children are subject to special protection and, for ethical reasons alone, are in principle not among the test subjects [ read more...]

2023-10-17T20:31:45+02:007. Januar 2021|Allgemein, Impfung, Schwangerschaft|0 Kommentare

Corona: Consultation hours despite lockdown

So, now we have entered another round in the fight against the Corona pandemic. The infection figures are rising, there are new rules and now also a strict lockdown.

On this occasion, once again the current information for our patients:

Our practice is open and consultation hours run during our opening hours.

When [ read more...]

2021-03-19T09:44:52+01:0012December 2020|General, Practice|0 comments

Gyn-Koe70 on Zoom: Team Talk in Corona Times

What the chancellor and the prime ministers can do, we have been able to do for a long time. Whether it's the Corona meeting, the G20 summit or the Gyn-Koe70 meeting: nowadays people confer online. And so this time we came together with the practice team for our regular meeting on Zoom.

Although we missed the Italian antipasti with which we usually - [ read more...]

2021-03-11T10:56:56+01:0027November 2020|General, Practice|0 comments