Practice Dr. med. Berit Deiters

Big news:

Since 1 July this year, Dr Deiters has taken over the practice from Mr Dostal.

Mr. Dostal will continue to be present in the practice on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and will perform the outpatient surgeries. For our patients, therefore, nothing will change for the time being. Our three [ read more...]

2021-03-19T09:53:20+01:0018July 2020|General, female staff, practice|0 comments

Corona: Office hours are on!

It's been months now since the beautiful picture with the rainbow fell into our hands when we were tidying up the waiting room in the evening. Cheerful, colourful, a bit chaotic - it goes without saying that this is going into our art-in-the-waiting-room gallery.

Who would have thought that a quarter later it would become the Corona consolation picture. The [ read more...]

2021-03-11T11:03:32+01:0029March 2020|General, Practice|0 comments

The Mother's Passport Booklet: An obituary

The maternity passport was introduced in Germany in 1961. For almost 60 years now, the small light blue booklet has been in existence, in which the most important examination results of maternity care are entered. From time to time, there have been a few innovations, but on the whole, the maternity passport has remained what it [ read more...]

2021-03-19T16:07:02+01:003September 2019|General, Pregnancy|0 comments